
My first online shop

I opened my first online store on Etsy. It is not very big yet, but I hope it grows soon. While I placed bead bracelets in it. They are all different colors, but they all have the same shape - round. My favorite one is this bracelet - made of yellow beads that look like amber. But this is not amber, but agate. I was able to capture it on a rock at sunset, which is why it glows so spectacularly. I named it gucci bracelet , because it is beautiful.

25 Cent Fortunes How "ordinary" photographers are making Big Money shooting for small stock agencies. By Kerrie Mitchell · Photos by Jaimie Duplass, Lise Gagne, Tracy Siermachesky, Liv Friislarsen, Sean Locke, Edyta Pawlows August 2006 Stock photographer Jaimie Duplass likes to be surprised by where her pictures turn up. The 38-year-old mother of three from Russellville, AR, often uses her son James as a model. At the age of three, he’s already appeared on several magazine covers, the Wal-Mart website, and—one of Duplass’ favorites—a billboard in Poland. “Someone e-mailed me a photograph of it,” she says. “It was a picture of him painting at an easel—they took away the easel, put a roof there, and now it’s selling roofing tiles.” She laughs. “I’m so proud of that one, I think because of the enormous size of it.” Duplass hadn’t heard about the billboard at first because she rarely has any idea who’s buying her photos. She doesn’t work for a traditional stock agency like